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Intriguing Careers in Medical Sales

Thanks to new technology over the recent years, medical device sales has emerged as a pivotal and promising career path. The rapidly evolving industry caters to those with a knack for sales and those driven by a passion to make a tangible impact on healthcare outcomes.

Here at Rainmakers, we target companies seeking top talent and individuals considering or advancing in this thriving field.

Medical device sales professionals promote and sell various medical technologies and devices, ranging from basic surgical instruments to advanced diagnostic machinery. These products play essential roles in enhancing patient care and treatment outcomes, making the job of a medical sales rep both critical and rewarding.

Is Medical Device Sales a Good Career?

The allure of a career in medical device sales extends far beyond the attractive compensation packages it is known for. This field stands out for its ability to offer professionals a unique blend of autonomy, impact, and satisfaction.

Those who venture into medical device sales are drawn to the freedom it offers and the meaningful difference their work makes in the healthcare industry. For organizations, hiring individuals motivated by these values is key to fostering a driven and committed sales team that propels product innovation and expands market reach.

Here are other key benefits of working in this industry:

  • Top-Notch Pay: Who doesn’t love a good salary and bonus structure? Get ready to be rewarded for your hard work.
  • Make a Difference: Your efforts help improve healthcare and touch lives, giving your career a rewarding sense of purpose.
  • Freedom and Flexibility: Shape your work life to fit your style. Enjoy the freedom to manage your schedule and work how you want, where you want.
medical device sales

Breaking into Medical Device Sales

Entering the medical device sales industry is rewarding and challenging. Candidates typically need a combination of an educational background in life sciences, business, or related fields and robust sales or clinical experience.

However, a candidate’s network and ability to forge meaningful connections in the healthcare sector truly set them apart. For companies, understanding these criteria is crucial for identifying and nurturing the right talent—individuals who are skilled in sales and adept at navigating the complexities of the medical field.

Earning Potential in Medical Device Sales

One of the most attractive aspects of a career in medical device sales is the potential for lucrative earnings. Salaries vary based on experience, the complexity of devices sold, and geographic location. Total compensation often includes a base salary plus performance-based commissions and bonuses.

This structure incentivizes excellence and rewards those who excel in their roles. Top performers often earn well into the six-figure range. For employers, offering competitive compensation packages is key to attracting and retaining the best talent in this highly competitive field.

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High-Paying Roles Within Medical Device Sales

As the demand for advanced medical technologies grows, so does the need for skilled professionals who can effectively bridge the gap between innovative products and the healthcare providers who utilize them.

These high-paying roles within medical device sales emphasize the industry’s need for individuals who are skilled in sales and possess a deep understanding of the products and markets they serve. For companies, investing in such talent is vital to achieving success in such a competitive landscape.

These roles are critical for companies aiming to secure a competitive edge in the healthcare market, necessitating a focus on attracting top talent.

Dental Sales Representative

  • Expertise Required: Profound knowledge of dental products, devices, and treatments, coupled with the ability to establish strong relationships with dentists and dental clinics.
  • Financial Rewards: An average annual salary ranging from $61,500 to $74,500, with opportunities for additional commissions and bonuses based on sales performance.

Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Associate

  • Expertise Required: Specialized understanding of biopharmaceutical production processes and regulations, with skills in managing the manufacturing lifecycle of biopharmaceutical products.
  • Financial Rewards: An average annual salary ranging from $48,000 to $66,000, reflecting the role’s technical complexity and regulatory responsibilities.

Specialty Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

  • Expertise Required: This role requires in-depth knowledge of specific pharmaceutical products and the ability to navigate specialized healthcare sectors. It also demands proficiency in presenting complex information clearly and convincingly to healthcare professionals.
  • Financial Rewards: An average annual salary ranging from $38,500 to $62,500, with the potential for significant commissions based on achieving sales targets.

Clinical Support Specialist

  • Expertise Required: Deep understanding of clinical applications and the operational use of medical devices within healthcare settings. Professionals in this role typically provide technical and clinical support during surgical procedures or within clinical environments.
  • Financial Rewards: Average annual salaries range from $70,000 to $90,000, with variances based on experience and the complexity of the devices supported.

Orthopedic Sales Representative

  • Expertise Required: Specialized knowledge of orthopedic devices and implants and the ability to communicate effectively with orthopedic surgeons and support staff. This role often requires staying abreast of the latest orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation advancements.
  • Financial Rewards: Salaries for orthopedic sales reps can vary widely but often range from $75,000 to over $150,000 annually, including base pay, commissions, and bonuses.

Cardiovascular Sales Specialist

  • Expertise Required: Expertise in cardiovascular devices and treatments, with the ability to engage cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and hospital staff. Understanding the cardiovascular system and current treatment methodologies is crucial.
  • Financial Rewards: The average annual salary for cardiovascular sales specialists can range from $80,000 to $120,000, with top performers earning significantly more through commissions and bonuses.
medical sales jobs

Medical Capital Equipment Sales Representative

  • Expertise Required: Knowledge of selling high-value medical equipment, such as imaging systems, surgical robots, or laboratory diagnostics. This role requires strategic planning and relationship-building with hospital administrators and procurement departments.
  • Financial Rewards: Average salaries can range from $80,000 to $120,000 base, with the potential to double that through commissions on high-ticket sales.

Healthcare IT Solutions Sales Executive

  • Expertise Required: Proficiency in selling software and IT solutions tailored to healthcare settings, including electronic health records (EHRs), patient management systems, and telehealth platforms. This role demands an understanding of both technology and healthcare operations.
  • Financial Rewards: Salaries typically range from $70,000 to $100,000, with significant commission opportunities that can elevate total compensation well into the six-figure range.

Industry Challenges

While the career path in medical device sales is filled with opportunities, it comes with challenges, including the need for extensive travel and the pressure of meeting sales targets. Success in this field requires resilience, adaptability, and a continuous drive for learning.

For individuals, overcoming these hurdles is part of the journey to a rewarding career.

Companies must support their sales team through training, resources, and recognition to foster a motivated and high-performing sales force.

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Work With Rainmakers

In conclusion, medical device sales are at the forefront of a changing healthcare landscape, offering job seekers and companies significant opportunities. This career path presents the potential for growth, impact, and financial reward for those drawn to the blend of science, healthcare, and business. For companies, investing in the right talent is pivotal to navigating the competitive marketplace and achieving lasting success.

Rainmakers isn’t just a recruitment platform; it’s your path to success in the competitive medical device sales landscape. Take action now: Job seekers, create your profile to discover new opportunities; Employers, sign up to find and recruit the sales talent you need. Together, let’s achieve remarkable success in medical device sales.

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Sales in Manufacturing Technology

Did you know that the folks in manufacturing tech sales are the real MVPs? They’re the vital link connecting awesome machinery with companies ready to use that tech to zoom past the competition. Knowing what these sales wizards do is key to understanding their important role in the industry.

With a stellar sales crew, manufacturers aren’t just creating; they’re getting their innovations out there in a big way. But the million-dollar question is, how do you ensure you’re bringing on the cream of the crop?

Don’t worry; this friendly guide’s got you covered! We’re here to share some insider tips and tricks for recruiters searching for top-notch talent and job seekers dreaming of snagging that perfect manufacturing tech sales gig. Let’s get into it!

What Do Sales Experts in Manufacturing Tech Do?

Sales experts in manufacturing tech play pivotal roles in the growth and expansion of companies in this sector. Industrial and manufacturing sales recruiters, often part of a larger technical sales recruitment agency, specialize in identifying and placing high-caliber sales professionals into key positions such as Regional Sales Managers and VPs of Sales. These roles span various industries across North America, each requiring unique skills and knowledge.

The Importance of Sales Talent in Manufacturing Tech

In the manufacturing and industrial realms, sales positions are not just jobs but careers that demand distinct sales acumen. This is largely because of the B2B nature of the transactions and the particular knowledge required to thrive in such complex environments. Sales talent in these areas needs to be well-versed in technical details and market trends and savvy in handling long-term client relationships that are often integral to the business.

Industrial manufacturing sales recruiters are keenly aware of the traits of effective sales associates and regional sales managers. They know that technical sales professionals are not just order-takers but are key players in driving new business, providing expert advice, and nurturing customer relationships within a manufacturing tech company.

This caliber of talent—equipped with sharp interpersonal skills, profound technical product expertise, and a goal-oriented mindset—leads to transformative successes and sets a high benchmark for what it means to be a standout in sales.

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The Impact of Sales Talent on Revenue Growth

The right sales talent is an undeniable catalyst for revenue growth. Studies have shown that the top 10% of sales personnel can markedly extend deal win rates, refuting industry norms and propelling a company’s earnings to new heights. By deploying a strategic, scientific approach to sales recruiting, firms can swiftly onboard these high-caliber sales performers, thus expediting revenue increase and overall growth.

In this light, specialized industrial sales recruiters come into play. These recruiters are adept at forming the conduits between hiring managers and prime candidates in fields like manufacturing, logistics, technology, and engineering—industries where the stakes are high and the right salesperson can make a substantial difference in revenue earnings.

Defining the Ideal Manufacturing Tech Sales Candidate

Molding the ideal sales candidate profile is like searching for a rare gem with everything: intellectual curiosity, unyielding passion, and the drive to overcome the challenges synonymous with sales success.

Here are some ways you can define sales success when searching for people:

  • Strong Sales and Marketing Background: A solid foundation in sales and marketing is crucial for success in technical sales, as it allows specialists to promote and sell technical products effectively.
  • Interest in Technology and Manufacturing: Tech sales specialists must have a genuine interest in technology and manufacturing industries, as this helps them understand and communicate the value of technical products to potential customers.
  • Experience in Specific Industries: Experience in specific industries, such as electronics or medical devices, is valuable as it provides specialists with a deep understanding of the products and challenges within those industries.
  • Ability to Adapt and Learn: The ability to adapt to new technologies and products and the willingness to continue learning and improving are important for staying competitive in the fast-paced world of technical sales.
  • Strong Communication Skills: Tech sales specialists must have effective communication skills, both verbal and written, to convey the benefits of technical products to customers and colleagues.

It is not solely about filling a vacancy; it’s about infusing businesses with a spirit of innovation and fresh perspectives that catalyze success. True comprehension of a company’s unique selling propositions and ardent requirements is fundamental in identifying candidates who stand out from the rest.

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10 Strategies for Attracting Qualified Sales Candidates

Securing the right personnel is indispensable to sailing the competitive tides of today’s market, as they wield considerable influence over revenue streams and overall market success. Here are ten tips you can use:

  1. Utilize social media platforms such as LinkedIn to showcase your company culture, values, and job openings to attract passive candidates.
  2. Attend industry events and job fairs to network with potential candidates and build relationships within the sales community.
  3. Offer competitive compensation packages and benefits to attract top sales talent who are looking for growth and development opportunities.
  4. Implement employee referral programs to incentivize current employees to refer qualified sales candidates from their professional networks.
  5. Utilize job boards and online job posting sites to reach a wider pool of candidates and increase visibility for your sales positions.
  6. Collaborate with universities and colleges to recruit recent graduates who may be looking to kickstart their sales careers and bring fresh perspectives to your team.
  7. Engage with professional sales associations and organizations to connect with experienced sales professionals actively seeking new opportunities.
  8. Host informational webinars or virtual events to educate potential candidates about your company, products, and sales opportunities.
  9. Leverage recruitment agencies or headhunters with expertise in sales recruiting to access their network of qualified sales candidates.
  10. Outsource your sales recruitment needs to a specialized firm like Rainmakers, which can provide data-driven insights and proven successful salespeople to help you build a high-performing sales team.
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The Job Seeker Side: Finding a Job in Manufacturing Tech

Manufacturing tech sales jobs offer a dynamic and rewarding career path for those with a blend of technical understanding and persuasive sales abilities. Here are some tips you can use as a job seeker in manufacturing tech sales:

  1. Research the industry: Understand the specific needs and trends in the manufacturing tech sales industry to tailor your job search and application materials accordingly. If you are seeking employment from specific employers, educate yourselves on them.
  2. Network with industry professionals: Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn to build relationships and gain insights into potential job opportunities.
  3. Showcase relevant skills and experiences: To stand out to potential employers, highlight your technical knowledge, sales experience, and understanding of the manufacturing process in your resume and cover letter.
  4. Utilize online job boards: Explore job postings on platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to find opportunities in manufacturing tech sales and apply to positions that align with your skills and career goals.

If you are an employee who needs extra help finding your ideal sales position, sign-up with Rainmakers. We connect high-performing salespeople with employers who deserve their talent.

saas sales recruiting

The Anatomy of SaaS Sales Teams

The Software as a Service (SaaS) industry, rapidly growing and evolving, offers various opportunities for sales professionals. With the global SaaS market projected to reach $623 billion by 2023, according to Gartner, the demand for skilled sales roles in this sector is at an all-time high.

This article discusses the key sales positions within the SaaS industry, outlining their responsibilities, required skill sets, and the career pathways they offer.

In-Depth Look at SaaS Sales Roles

A company’s success hinges significantly on its sales team’s prowess and composition. Each role within this team plays a distinct and critical part in attracting leads to closing deals and ensuring customer satisfaction. Understanding these roles is key to appreciating how they interconnect to drive the growth and sustainability of a SaaS business.

Account Executive (AE)

The Account Executive (AE) is often seen as the driving force in SaaS sales teams. Tasked with managing the entire sales cycle, their role extends beyond mere selling; it’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with the client’s specific needs and challenges. AEs are experts in solution selling – a sales approach that has become increasingly vital in the SaaS domain, where products are often complex and highly customizable. They must be proficient in various sales methodologies, such as SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff) selling or Challenger Sale, adapting their approach based on the client and situation.

A crucial aspect of an AE’s role is managing diverse deal sizes. For instance, while dealing with small-scale clients or startups, AEs might focus on demonstrating immediate value and ease of integration. In contrast, with large enterprises, the emphasis might be on scalability, security, and long-term ROI.

Customer Success Manager (CSM)

In the subscription-based SaaS business model, the Customer Success Manager (CSM) role is key. Unlike traditional sales roles, a CSM’s primary objective is to ensure that customers are realizing the full potential of their purchased SaaS solutions. This role combines technical know-how, customer service, and sales insight.

CSMs work closely with clients post-sale, guiding them through onboarding and ensuring that the product integrates seamlessly into their existing systems and workflows.

Their responsibilities extend to regular check-ins, providing training and resources, and acting as the voice of the customer within their organization. By doing so, they enhance customer satisfaction and retention and identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

Analyzing customer usage data, gathering feedback, and communicating this effectively with product teams is crucial for a CSM, as it directly impacts product improvements and customer satisfaction.

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Sales Development Representative (SDR)

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are often the first point of contact between a SaaS company and its potential customers. Their primary role is to generate and qualify leads, a critical step in filling the sales pipeline. SDRs use a combination of outreach strategies, including cold calling, email campaigns, and social media engagement, to connect with potential leads.

The effectiveness of an SDR is measured not just in the number of leads generated but in the quality of these leads – meaning how likely they are to convert into paying customers. This requires a strong understanding of the target market, including customer pain points, industry challenges, and how the SaaS product can address these issues. Speed and responsiveness are key, as timely engagement can significantly increase the chances of lead conversion.

Technical Sales Manager

Technical Sales Manager’s role requires a deep understanding of the SaaS platform’s architecture, compatibility with various systems, compliance with data security standards like GDPR, and scalability options. They often collaborate with the product development teams to relay customer feedback and help tailor the product to market needs.

A key responsibility is to assist the sales team in complex technical negotiations and discussions, ensuring that the product’s technical aspects are communicated and aligned with the client’s requirements. Their expertise is crucial during product demonstrations, where they showcase how the SaaS solution can solve specific business problems, often customizing these demos to reflect the client’s environment.

VP of Sales

The VP of Sales is a strategic role responsible for the overall health of the sales department. This includes setting sales targets, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and developing strategies to achieve these goals. The role demands a keen understanding of market trends, competitor activities, and customer needs.

They are responsible for building an agile, customer-focused, and data-driven sales culture. This involves training and mentoring sales teams, implementing effective sales processes, and ensuring the adoption of the latest sales technologies and methodologies. The VP of Sales also plays a crucial role in aligning sales strategies with other departments, such as marketing and product development, to ensure a cohesive approach to market penetration and customer satisfaction.

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Fundamental Skills for Success in SaaS Sales

Technical Knowledge

A solid grasp of the underlying technology of SaaS products is non-negotiable.

This includes understanding cloud computing principles and data security protocols like GDPR and discussing integrations and APIs confidently. Sales professionals with a technical background can engage more effectively with clients, particularly when technical queries arise during the sales process.

Strategic Selling and Relationship Building

Given the highly competitive nature of the SaaS market, strategic selling is vital. Sales professionals must excel in identifying customer pain points and aligning them with the product’s capabilities.

Building and nurturing relationships is equally important, as it helps understand and anticipate client needs, fostering trust and loyalty.

Data-Driven Approach

In today’s data-centric world, leveraging CRM tools and analytics for sales is crucial. High-performing sales teams use data-driven insights to guide their actions, as reported by Salesforce.

This approach involves tracking customer interactions, analyzing buying patterns, and customizing sales strategies based on data insights.

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From Entry-Level to Leadership

Career trajectories are diverse and rich with growth opportunities. The journey often begins at the entry-level, gradually moving up through the ranks as skills and experience are gained. Here’s a snapshot of the typical career progression in SaaS sales:

  1. Starting as a Sales Development Representative (SDR): Focuses on lead generation and qualification, providing an introduction to the sales process and customer interaction.
  2. Progressing to Account Executive (AE): Involves managing the entire sales cycle, from nurturing leads to closing deals, and requires skills in solution selling, negotiation, and client relationship management.
  3. Advancing to Managerial Roles: Opportunities arise to become Sales Managers or Directors, overseeing sales teams, strategizing sales processes, and achieving revenue targets.
  4. Climbing to Executive Positions: For those with exceptional skills and leadership, roles like VP of Sales become attainable, involving strategic planning and aligning sales strategies with company goals.

Adaptability and Connections

Continuous learning and adaptation are essential for career progression. The nature of this sector demands that professionals not only keep pace with current industry trends and technological advancements but also stay ahead of them.

Pursuing relevant certifications, participating in industry events, and engaging in continuous professional development activities are vital strategies for maintaining a competitive edge.

Alongside educational growth, the importance of networking and mentorship in SaaS sales cannot be overstated. Building a robust professional network opens new opportunities and provides insights into best practices and emerging trends.

Join Rainmakers: Your Gateway to SaaS Sales Opportunities

Whether you’re a company seeking to bolster your sales team with top talent or a job seeker aiming to carve out a successful career in SaaS sales, Rainmakers offers the platform to connect with premier opportunities in the SaaS space.

Employers, discover how Rainmakers can help you find the sales talent you need to drive your SaaS solutions forward.

Job Seekers, join Rainmakers today to match your skills with the perfect SaaS sales opportunities, and embark on a rewarding career path.

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Tech Sales Leads the Way

Understanding which sectors offer the highest-paying opportunities is key for those considering a career in sales or looking to pivot to a more lucrative field.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the top, highest-paying sales jobs, with a special focus on tech sales – the current front-runner in the field.

It’s a well-known fact: not all sales jobs are created equal. The product or service you sell greatly influences your earning potential. Selling low-cost consumer goods rarely yields six-figure salaries, while dealing with high-value items or services, especially in B2B settings like tech, can significantly boost your income. So, which is right for you?

1. Tech Sales Engineers

These professionals blend their technical expertise with sales acumen to sell complex technological products, making them indispensable in sectors like software, hardware, and enterprise solutions. The role demands a deep understanding of the products and the ability to convey their value in a relatable manner to potential clients.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $108,530
  • Key Responsibilities: Simplifying complex technical concepts for clients, collaborating with product development, market analysis, and strategy formulation.
  • Educational Requirements: A bachelor’s degree in a related field is typically required.
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2. Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives

This unique group handles large-scale sales transactions involving vast quantities of goods, playing a key role in the supply chain. Their work involves interacting with businesses and government agencies, requiring an in-depth understanding of the products they’re selling and the needs of their clients.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $97,710
  • Key Responsibilities: Attending trade shows, negotiating wholesale prices, and ensuring product functionality.
  • Educational Requirements: Certifications like CPMR and CSP may be required.

3. Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents

These financial wizards serve as the bridge between consumers and the complex financial markets, dealing with assets like stocks, bonds, and commodities. Their role is crucial in guiding clients through investment decisions, requiring sales skills and a solid grasp of regulations and market trends.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $67,480
  • Key Responsibilities: Advising on securities, researching financial markets, and analyzing company finances.
  • Educational Requirements: Mandatory Series 7 and Series 63 exams, with other certifications often pursued.

4. Advertising Sales Agents

Advertising gurus must navigate the shifting sands from traditional to digital media, selling advertising space in an increasingly automated industry. Their role is essential in connecting businesses with effective advertising platforms, whether print, online, or multimedia.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $58,450
  • Key Responsibilities: Selling advertising space across various mediums, from print to digital.
  • Educational Requirements: A high school diploma, though a bachelor’s degree is preferred.
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5. Insurance Sales Agents

The role of insurance agents extends beyond mere sales; they are advisors, helping clients navigate the complex world of insurance policies. This role demands deep knowledge of various insurance products and a strong ability to build and maintain client relationships.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $57,860
  • Key Responsibilities: Marketing insurance products, calculating premiums, and customizing packages.
  • Educational Requirements: State licensing in relevant insurance fields.

6. Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents

Brokers’ and agents’ roles are multifaceted, involving everything from property listing and marketing to negotiation and paperwork. Success in this field requires sales prowess, a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market, and strong networking skills.

  • Median Annual Salary for Agents (May 2022): $49,980
  • Key Responsibilities: Assisting in buying, selling, and renting properties.
  • Educational Requirements: State licensing after passing a pre-licensing course and exam.

7. Travel Agents

This role involves much more than just booking flights and accommodations; it’s about understanding client needs, staying updated on travel trends, and offering tailored travel solutions. This career is ideal for those with a passion for travel and a flair for customer service.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $43,810
  • Key Responsibilities: Planning trips and handling travel-related issues.
  • Educational Requirements: High school diploma.

8. Telemarketers

Telemarketers play a crucial role in sales, often being the first contact point between a company and potential clients. Their work, conducted mainly over the phone, focuses on product promotion, customer engagement, and sometimes conducting surveys.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $31,030
  • Key Responsibilities: Making sales calls, presenting products or services, handling customer queries, and achieving call or sales targets.
  • Educational Requirements: A high school diploma is usually adequate, but strong communication skills are essential.

9. Retail Sales Workers

This role is pivotal in retail, involving direct interaction with customers, product knowledge, and transaction handling. It is an excellent foundation for honing the interpersonal skills essential in all sales roles.

  • Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $30,600
  • Key Responsibilities: Assisting customers, managing payments, and setting up displays.
  • Educational Requirements: No formal requirements; on-the-job training is common.

The information provided here is sourced from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) and the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) survey.

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Ready To Find Your New Job?

As we’ve explored the diverse and lucrative world of sales jobs, it’s clear that opportunities abound for those with the right skills and ambition. Each role offers unique challenges and rewards, from the technical prowess needed in sales engineering to the relationship-building expertise in insurance sales. However, finding your ideal position in this competitive landscape can be daunting.

This is where Rainmakers steps in.

As a platform dedicated to matching sales talent with top-tier opportunities, we provide the guidance and connections you need to elevate your career. By signing up with Rainmakers, you can access a curated selection of high-paying sales jobs, tailored advice, and a network of industry-leading companies.

Sign up now for free and start connecting with top employers!

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Why Use Outside Help to Recruit

Talent acquisition is a crucial aspect of any company’s growth and success. While some businesses may have internal recruiting teams, others turn to external firms to assist them in finding the best candidates for their job openings. Among these external options, headhunting firms and recruitment agencies stand out as popular choices. This article will delve into the key differences between these two talent partners and guide readers in making informed decisions for their hiring needs.

The Role of Headhunting Firms

Headhunting firms, or executive recruiters, specialize in sourcing top-tier candidates for high-level and administrative positions. They meticulously search for talented individuals with the skills and experience required for these critical roles. Unlike recruitment agencies, headhunters often target passive candidates who are not actively seeking new opportunities but may be persuaded to consider a better offer.

The Role of Recruitment Agencies

In contrast to headhunting firms’ specialized focus, recruitment agencies cater to a broader spectrum of job openings across various industries. They handle everything from entry-level to mid-level and managerial roles, showcasing their versatility in fulfilling diverse hiring needs. Recruitment agencies actively seek out candidates through job boards, online platforms, and networking, engaging with those seeking new employment.

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Positions Filled: Executive vs. Diverse Roles

One of the fundamental distinctions between headhunting firms and recruitment agencies lies in the type of positions they aim to fill. Headhunters dedicate their efforts to executive-level roles, including C-suite executives and other top-level management positions. Conversely, recruitment agencies take on various roles, from administrative functions to technical and specialized jobs.

Target Candidates: Passive vs. Active Job Seekers

The approach to candidate sourcing sets headhunting firms and recruitment agencies apart. Headhunters proactively seek out passive candidates, often targeting professionals already holding crucial positions in other companies. In contrast, recruitment agencies focus on engaging with active job seekers actively applying for job openings.

Methods of Talent Sourcing: Proactive vs. Reactive

Headhunting firms employ proactive methods to identify and approach potential candidates discreetly. They leverage their industry connections, conduct competitor analysis, and use networking to uncover hidden talent. On the other hand, recruitment agencies rely on reactive methods, posting job openings on job boards and websites and actively encouraging applications from interested candidates.

Hiring Process: Specialized vs. Comprehensive

Headhunting firms’ hiring process is highly specialized and tailored to executive positions. They thoroughly assess candidates based on the unique requirements of the roles they aim to fill. In contrast, recruitment agencies handle a comprehensive hiring process, from initial candidate screening to conducting interviews and managing the entire recruitment journey.

Industry Expertise: Niche vs. General Knowledge

Headhunting firms often possess niche expertise, specializing in specific industries or roles. This in-depth knowledge allows them to identify the most qualified executives for their clients. On the other hand, recruitment agencies have a more general understanding of various industries, allowing them to cater to diverse hiring needs.

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Working With Rainmakers

At Rainmakers, we are a unique blend of both a recruitment agency and headhunter, offering our valued clients the best of both worlds. Our approach combines the specialized focus of a headhunting firm with the versatility and comprehensive services of a recruitment agency. We pride ourselves on tailoring our talent acquisition strategies to meet the distinct needs of each client, ensuring that we identify and attract the most exceptional candidates for their high-level executive roles and entry-level positions.

Our extensive industry expertise gives us the insider knowledge necessary to seek out top-tier executives and specialized professionals for niche roles. At the same time, we are well-versed in the art of proactive talent sourcing, targeting passive candidates who may not be actively searching for new opportunities but possess the skills and experience that align perfectly with our client’s requirements.

Moreover, our recruitment process is driven by a commitment to excellence, combining the thoroughness of a specialized headhunting approach with the comprehensiveness of a recruitment agency. We diligently screen, interview, and evaluate candidates to ensure they meet the job qualifications and align with our client’s company culture and values.

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At Rainmakers, we understand that each company has unique hiring needs, whether it be for top-level executives or diverse talent pools. Our versatility allows us to cater to various industries and roles, making us the ideal talent partner for businesses seeking exceptional candidates at every level.

Our distinct blend of headhunting expertise and recruitment agency capabilities positions Rainmakers as a leading talent acquisition firm dedicated to helping businesses attract, identify, and secure the best candidates to fuel their growth and success in today’s competitive market.

Partner with Rainmakers today, and let us elevate your talent acquisition strategy to new heights.

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The Influence of Sales Recruiters

Salary negotiation is one of the most important steps of the interview process for both the interviewer and the hiring company. Yet the process of negotiating a salary can be intimidating for talent and hiring managers alike. Both need to be aware of industry trends and salary ranges to know what effective talent is worth. In addition, talent needs to be able to advocate for themselves when asking for an increased salary, which can be difficult.

Working with a sales recruiter can help. Recruiters are well-versed in industry trends and salary ranges and know what is necessary to match candidates with employers to fulfill sales roles. Here is a closer look at how sales recruiters help with the salary negotiation process.

The Role of the Recruiter in Salary Negotiations

When you enter into salary negotiations with a recruiter at your side, you gain insider information about salary expectations and benefits packages. You also have someone who can help you highlight the skills and benefits you bring as a candidate so you present yourself well in the negotiation process.

A recruiter represents both the talent and the employer. Their goal is two-fold: they want the candidate to be happy in their new role so they do the job well, and they want the employer satisfied with the hire so they continue their professional relationship. Thus, they will be skilled at bringing the two parties to a mutually beneficial agreement during negotiation.

What specific benefits can you expect when working with a sales recruiter to negotiate your salary? Here are some of the significant ways a recruiter can assist:

  1. Expert knowledge about salaries: Sales recruiters can help both parties know whether a salary offer is fair and competitive. Their insider knowledge can help both parties have realistic expectations for the negotiations.
  2. Help selling talent to the employer: Sales recruiters know what top talent looks like. So if you are a talent looking for a job and an employer match, they can sell your qualifications to your potential employer.
  3. Experience with negotiation: Finally, recruiters already have experience in negotiations. That experience helps everyone get the best possible outcome from the negotiation process.

The negotiation process is filled with nuances. For example, not only do you have to negotiate the pay, but you also have to negotiate benefits and perks, which can be hard to quantify. Your recruiter will help you understand these factors and their potential value so that you can make an informed choice about your employment contract.

recruiter salary negotiation

Understanding the Benefits of Salary Negotiation

There are several reasons why it makes sense to negotiate your salary. First, negotiation is often where those perks and benefits come into play. You may find it worthwhile to take a slightly lower salary package when you realize that you have flexible work options and a generous medical plan.

Second, the offer presented at the start of the process is rarely the best offer available. Only through negotiation can talent get paid what they’re worth.

Finally, you can start your employment on good terms with your new employer through negotiation. The two of you will get the opportunity to see how each operates. Since the sales process often involves some measure of negotiation, this is an invaluable part of becoming a sales professional.

How to Choose the Right Recruiter

Choosing the right recruiter is a vital step in a positive negotiation experience. Here are some tips to help you find one.

1. Choose a Sales Recruiter

When negotiating for a sales position, you need a recruiter who specializes in sales recruiting. The unique demands of a sales career require a recruiter with industry knowledge.

2. Look for Experience

Next, look for a recruiter or recruiting firm with experience, not just knowledge, in sales recruiting. For example, have they previously worked for major companies or sales firms? Can they back their stated experience with success figures?

Rainmakers has successfully matched tech sales talent with some of the top names in the industry. Our recruiting team can assist you in finding the right position and negotiating a fair, competitive salary with excellent benefits. We have been in the industry since 2016 and are ready to put that experience to work for you.

3. Ask for References

Finally, ask your sales recruiter for references. Check those references, especially if they were talent that found a position through the recruiter, and see how the negotiation process was handled. This information will tell you much about the support level you’ll likely get from that recruiter.

Common Salary Negotiation Mistakes

As you enter the negotiation process, make sure you avoid some common negotiation mistakes. Remember, negotiating a salary is a challenging dance, and you need to understand that dance to succeed. Here are the mistakes that are common but avoidable:

  • Not doing research into the market and your potential role
  • Not asking about the employer’s budget, which can guide your request for salary
  • Opening the discussions with your salary range
  • Not considering benefits beyond the salary amount
  • Being too quick to say “yes.”
  • Turning negotiations into a power play
  • Negotiating too much and frustrating the employer

Working with a recruiter will help you avoid some of these mistakes.

find sales job in tech

Negotiating Non-Monetary Benefits

As you enter negotiations, remember it’s not just about the salary. The non-monetary benefits are quite important as well. Remember to consider these in your negotiations. Some common benefits include:

  • Paid vacation time
  • Phone or tech allowance
  • Transportation
  • Continuing education or professional development
  • Flexibility to work from home
  • Healthcare
  • Childcare reimbursement
  • Company Equity

With so many potential benefits, it would be easy to overlook one. That’s where a sales recruiter can help, ensuring you know all of your possible options and are getting a compensation package that’s fair and equitable.

Start Your New Career with Help from Rainmakers

Getting hired doesn’t stop with the interview. You must prepare for the negotiation process once you get past the interview. Rainmakers will support you every step of the way. Start the process by joining our talent pool today, and let us match you with employers who need your skills.

sales development representative salary information

How Much Do Sales Development Representatives Make?

It’s getting increasingly challenging to find top SaaS sales talent. In order to identify the best potential sales team members, internal and external recruiters are searching LinkedIn, online job boards, and other resources to find qualified Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) to help fill your team.

Following their experiences working from home during Covid, sales staff are looking for remote employment opportunities that provide flexibility and require less travel time. This is the case everywhere across the country, and it presents challenges in sourcing acceptable individuals and what to offer in terms of base salary and OTE.

As market leaders in hiring tech salespeople, Rainmakers provides a transparent, data-driven platform to efficiently match top salespeople with the most intriguing and forward-thinking tech firms. The SDRs with the highest potential are consequently linked with the most suitable opportunities that meet their qualifications.

How Much Does the Average Tech SDR Get Paid?

Positions as a Sales Development Representative (SDR) are frequently entry-level. Because most candidates have little to no sales experience, it can be challenging to calculate typical pay.

According to data from the Rainmakers platform, an SDR’s base income tends to start at a little under $59k and an OTE of almost $81k. However, SDR compensation will vary due to differences in regional living expenses.

High-demand areas such as San Francisco and New York will command a higher starting base pay—closer to $64k, with OTEs up to $86k. While still a powerhouse in tech development and sales, Denver would pay a bit less with $55k base pay and $83k in OTE.

Because SDR employment is entry-level, pay rarely rises significantly as one gains experience. According to Rainmakers’ research, between five and seven years of experience, on-target earnings start to decline. After seven years, growth resumes, although this is often a result of many sales representatives moving up to management and lead positions.

how much does an sales development rep make

Being a Sales Development Representative

Sales development representatives begin by researching prospective customers to deliver promising sales-qualified leads (SQLs) to account executives for further contact.

The “outbound sales” procedure starts with the SDR locating a potential customer. They then contact them and pass the prospect to another sales team member. While Account Executives are responsible for closing deals, the SDR primarily focuses on research, outreach, lead qualifying, and facilitating the initial meeting with the account executive. 

By using SDRs, businesses can divide their sales divisions into specialized teams with in-depth knowledge of particular sales process stages. This strategy works well because it streamlines the lead-to-closing process and enables everyone to work more effectively and successfully.

The best SDRs have a committed mentality, good sales skills, and an awareness of buyer personas. They should also have the persistence and inventiveness that makes things happen. A top-notch SDR should be able to recognize the problems and troubles that prospects are having, then explain how they can help.

They must also have strong research skills. A good Sales Development Representative must be able to “deep dive” into a potential client’s needs to uncover demographic information. Then they must communicate their findings to the Account Executive.

How Long Does an SDR Position Last?

That’s difficult to predict, and much depends on the size of the sales team and the target markets. The larger the company, the longer an individual may continue to fill an SDR role before moving up in the sales team. So while a small business may offer quicker promotion opportunities, overall earnings may be less than a similar position at a larger company. Slower promotion can be made up for with greater OTE earnings, but the SDR’s skill set must also be greater.

On average, SDR positions serving small businesses may last up to a year and a half. Those serving mid-market businesses can last up to two years. And those SDRs targeting enterprise businesses could see themselves staying in that position for two to four years.

sdr jobs

After Being an SDR, What’s Next?

SDRs pick up many skills while performing their duties. And they’ve had plenty of opportunities to watch Account Executives and other sales team members. 

After working further to develop skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management, SDRs can begin exploring the next step of their career. Often, the next logical stage of a sales career would be a closing, quota-carrying position such as Account Executive (AE). 

Account Executives are responsible for managing customer accounts. Typical duties of AEs include prospecting for new business, running demos, attending to the needs of current clients, and, most importantly, closing transactions that will bring in new customers and generate income for the firm. For example, where the Sales Development Representative develops initial interest and sets up the first sales meeting, the AE is responsible for following up and closing the deal.

Beyond that, an SDR can move on to roles such as Mid-Market Account Manager, Enterprise Account Manager, or Customer Success Manager. However, these positions and others above will almost always require time spent as an Account Executive.

What Cities Are the Best For SDR Jobs?

The West Coast and innovative technology go hand in hand in many peoples’ minds. The region of Northern California, known as Silicon Valley, is widely regarded as the birthplace of the modern technology sector. San Francisco is one of the leading cities that has benefited from its proximity to the technology sector and its large pool of skilled workers.

Other cities across the US are also becoming innovation hubs for information technology, primarily due to widespread technological advancements. On the East Coast, New York City is in the lead, and it is on par with San Francisco in terms of the number of potential customers for SaaS sales representatives. Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Raleigh are other cities that rank highly in terms of their SaaS sales markets.

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SDR Opportunities At Rainmakers

Rainmakers only considers the most qualified candidates for employment, allowing you to confidently interview the highest-quality sales professionals. When we look at potential candidates, we review their sales statistics, such as their performance, what they have sold, and who they have sold to. This enables you to economize valuable time by quickly identifying candidates with the required skills, experience, and personality traits.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can assist you in hiring the best team members for your tech sales initiatives.

how much do account executives make

How Much Do AE’s Make?

Acquiring the most successful SaaS sales talent is becoming increasingly competitive. As a result, in-house and external recruiters scan LinkedIn and other sites and reach out to qualified Account Executives (AEs) to find top sellers.

In recent years, many salespeople have turned to look for remote job opportunities that offer flexibility and less time commuting. This is the case all across the country, and it’s raising challenges regarding locating suitable candidates and what to offer in terms of base pay and OTE.

As market leaders in hiring tech salespeople, Rainmakers provides a transparent, data-driven platform to efficiently match top salespeople with the most enticing and forward-thinking tech organizations. The best AEs are consequently paired with the most suitable opportunities that meet their requirements.

Duties Of an Account Executive

An account executive typically works in sales, selling goods and services to corporations and/or consumers. For example, they often deal in SaaS products and hardware in the tech field. To succeed in this role, the executive’s employer commonly sets sales quotas, and the rep’s compensation combines base pay and commission.

The AE might receive clients or work on prospecting potential clients and engaging in cold calls. They identify new customers, learn about their pain points and wants in a solution, and then make specific pitches for services and goods that will satisfy those needs before closing the sale.

But the AE’s duties don’t end there. They will also follow up with customer service teams or talk directly with clients to ascertain whether the products are satisfactory after the sales transaction has been completed. Should issues arise, the AE might help find solutions. In addition, because repeat business is among their goals, the account executive is expected to develop positive relationships with the clients.

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Account Executive Compensation

As mentioned, pay is usually a combination of base pay and commission. Levels will depend on experience, geography, quotas, deal sizes, and success rate.

Averaged nationally, base pay will broadly range between $60,000 and $150,000. Most Account Executives are on a fifty-fifty split, meaning commissions can range from approximately $60,000 to $150,000.

A talented and experienced AE stands to earn a fair amount. The above information doesn’t include other benefits such as bonuses, equity, or profit sharing. For more salary information, review this helpful guide.

The Role of Quotas

If you’re looking for a new AE to close a specific dollar amount within a year, you may wonder how that would affect compensation.

Although it changes a lot by company, a good starting point is to assume an AE will earn a ten percent commission on the revenue they bring in. An AE with a quota of $750,000 could see additional compensation of approximately $75,000. A $1M quota could see a $100,000 commission, and a $2M quota could see commissions exceeding $200,000.

The Role of Geography

Economic conditions vary across the United States. Where a business or account is located and its customers can also affect AE compensation.

For an AE with 6-7 years of experience, top markets such as San Francisco and New York will see base pays of approximately $91,000 and OTE of $187,000, while Atlanta may see the average base pay drop to $79,000 and OTE to $172,000 for a rep with the same experience.

In the middle would be a city like Chicago, with an average AE base pay of $87,000 and an OTE of around $179,000.

Overall, national data points to a SaaS account executive’s total earnings averaging approximately $167,000 if they have 6-7 years of experience.

The Role of the Buyer

Does account executive compensation vary by the buyer they are selling into?

The impact of the product on the sales cycle will play a role in this. For instance, a software scheduling tool can be ready to use in minutes. On the other hand, a new digital operations platform (DOP) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system needs time to integrate with any current customer tools.

Some sales contracts will take longer to close, which may affect the overall number of accounts able to close within a year and, thus, the total commissions earned. These longer sales cycles generally command larger deal sizes, larger quotas, and, therefore, larger commissions.

In addition to timing, the department of the buyer has an impact on potential earnings. Therefore, AEs who target specific high-earning departments stand to earn more.

For instance, a relatively new AE who closes with a procurements department stands to earn $135,000 in OTE. Closing sales with an IT department could deliver up to $138,000 in OTE. By contrast, closing with small businesses presents the AE with a potential $100,000 in OTE.

What is Annual Contract Value (ACV)?

Annual Contract Value (ACV) is a crucial statistic that assists in evaluating the effectiveness of your sales teams. A client’s annual revenue to your business is determined by its ACV. It’s the typical yearly revenue per client contract. The ACV is an essential SaaS measure used to market products with annual or yearly subscription plans.

AEs can review their annual customer revenue with ACV and determine which customers to focus on using customer success tactics. Then, once high-value contracts expire, they can use sales analytics and work closely with their Account Management or Customer Success team to keep their top-earning clients.

Consider a scenario where a business examines its sales dashboard and discovers that Client A has an ACV of $50,000 while Client B’s ACV is only $10,000. Client A is bringing in more revenue than Client B, so it makes sense for the business to give Client A a higher priority in time and resources.

But this isn’t a call to ignore Client B.

Instead, an effective business should increase ACVs across the board. This means looking at ways to increase revenue from Client B (and C, D, and so on). This can be accomplished by raising quotas and meeting those goals through upselling and cross-selling strategies and looking if some prices and rates could be increased. This, in turn, leads to higher earnings for both the business and the AE.

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What Cities Are the Best For Account Executive Jobs?

Most people think of the West Coast when it comes to top American cities for technology. However, Northern California’s Silicon Valley is well-regarded as the cradle of the modern technology sector, with San Francisco as one of the top cities profiting from both proximity to the tech sector and the skill pool.

In large part, thanks to technology, other cities around the country are also becoming hubs for IT innovation. New York City leads the pack on the East Coast and rivals San Francisco in potential earrings for SaaS sales representatives. Other cities with top SaaS sales markets include Austin, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Raleigh, and Atlanta.

AE Recruitment Solutions At Rainmakers

Rainmakers accepts only top applicants, so you can confidently interview the most high-quality sales talent. In addition, when we look at potential candidates, you can see all their sales stats, such as performance, what they’ve sold and who they’ve sold to. This allows you to save valuable time by quickly identifying candidates with the skills, experience, and fit you’re looking for.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help fill your tech sales needs. Sign-up now!

salary guide tech sales

Brought you by Rainmakers x Sales Assembly.

How the Sales Hiring Landscape Has Changed

Since its debut in 2018, Rainmakers has worked with thousands of sales candidates and hundreds of businesses in the tech and SaaS sectors. Rainmakers specializes in guiding technology firms through the complex hiring and compensation processes, focusing on acquiring the best salespeople for your business. 

With that in mind, Rainmakers has gathered the most comprehensive and accurate data on tech sales trends, markets, and remuneration based on national industry averages balanced with add-on factors such as equity, benefits, and remote flexibility.

The Sales Hiring Landscape Is Changing

The top IT sales talent market is more competitive than ever, even in light of recent reports of layoffs in some areas. On LinkedIn, internal and external recruiters frequently reach out to qualified AEs (account executives) and SDRs (sales development representatives). However, internal hiring teams often find themselves at odds in their continuous search for fresh candidates. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of sales personnel available for work are currently seeking remote employment alternatives. This is happening all across the U.S. This raises concerns about where to find candidates and how much base pay and OTE to offer these reps.

As industry pioneers in tech sales hiring, Rainmakers offers a transparent, data-driven platform to effectively pair top sales reps with the most desirable and innovative companies in the tech space. As a result, the best AEs and SDRs are paired with the most relevant and appropriate opportunities available.

Data From the Rainmakers Team

The vast amount of unique data collected from thousands of candidates who have applied to the Rainmakers platform reveals clear trends regarding what sales candidates can potentially earn in the tech industry. Here’s some of what’s been learned. 

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Account Executives

Are San Francisco and New York still the tech sales hubs?

Before 2020, the majority of tech salespeople were located in San Francisco and New York. In fact, we initially launched in just those two geographies. Since 2020, we see the geographical distribution to be much more even – and thus so are the salaries. 

While the compensation averages are still highest in San Francisco, other cities are quickly catching up as we see salaries starting to normalize across the United States due to the increase in remote hiring. 

account executive salaries
Does AE compensation vary by the buyer they are selling into?

It’s common to hear hiring managers say, “We want someone who has a track record of selling into engineering or IT.” 

The question then becomes, how much will that cost?

That partly depends on how the product affects the sales cycle. For example, a software scheduling tool can be up and running in minutes. Still, a new digital operations platform (DOP) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system must sync with existing customer tools. This requires a more specialized sales rep. 

The following table shows that sales reps who have closed sales with product engineering, legal, operations, and procurement departments tend to demand the highest salaries.

account executive salary information
What are AEs earning relative to their quotas? 

Another frequently asked question is, “What should we be paying a rep if we want them to close a certain dollar amount in year 1?” 

Sales representatives make an average commission of slightly under 10% up to around $1M in quota. Note that despite the rise in quota from $1M to $2M, earnings tend not to improve significantly.

You can compare how much sales reps are making and their yearly quotas with the data below.

How does ACV affect yearly earnings? 

The data reveals that a sales representative’s ACV can affect yearly profits, but not in the way one might assume.

Naturally, larger contracts require a more seasoned salesperson to close them. Still, with the emergence of product-led SaaS businesses, some salespeople exceed large annual quotas with just modestly sized individual contracts. 

The graph outlines this.

what does an account executive make

Sales Development Representatives

What is the going rate for an SDR? 

Sales Development Representative (SDR) positions tend to be entry-level. As such, it’s often difficult to determine accurate compensation because most candidates have little or sometimes no sales experience. 

According to information acquired from the Rainmakers platform, an SDR’s typical base income is just under $59k, with an OTE of about $81k. However, since geographical regions vary in living costs, SDR compensation will also change. 

This is how it breaks down:

sales development representative salary information
Does more SDR experience command more pay?

Given the entry-level nature of an SDR position, pay tends not to increase dramatically with experience. Rainmakers’ research suggests that on-target earnings decrease between 5 and 7 years of experience. Growth happens again after seven years, typically because many of these sales reps advance to lead and management roles.

sdr salary information

About Sales Assembly

Since 2017, Sales Assembly has revolutionized how B2B tech companies scale. They believe that team and individual growth should be ongoing, dynamic, and in a setting of peers as opposed to isolated “corporate events.” According to them, developing a business’s strategy and infrastructure should be a dynamic process that complements learning and growth.

Sales Assembly’s unique structure combines contemporary learning and development for all commercial roles with crucial consulting and strategy formulation, a strong peer network, and effective implementation and enablement tools.

About Rainmakers

Rainmakers is the only recruiting platform built specifically to help Technology and SaaS companies hire top-notch tech sales talent. 

They help leading companies grow their sales teams. Some of our satisfied clients include:

  • NextRoll
  • Wellsaid Labs
  • EcoVadis
  • Paperless Parts
  • Visier
  • Modern Health

Why Companies Use Rainmakers

Leverage the power of Rainmakers’ advanced sales sourcing technology, a breakthrough solution that replaces outdated job boards and generic hiring platforms. With Rainmakers, you gain access to:

  • Personalized Candidate Identification: Our technology zeros in on the perfect sales reps for your team, diving deep into pertinent sales data such as quota attainment, deal details, buyer profile, and compensation expectations.
  • Accelerated Hiring Process: Say goodbye to lengthy hiring timelines. Employers experience a whopping 92% response rate from our pre-screened candidates, significantly reducing time-to-hire.
  • Enhanced Team Diversity: With Rainmakers, you can foster a diverse sales team. Over 52% of candidates hired through our platform come from underrepresented backgrounds, promoting diversity and inclusivity in your workforce.

To learn more about how Rainmakers can help your business, fill out a profile to get started.

sales resume tips and best practices

The resume is continually evolving and what seemed standard and beneficial just a few years ago can become a disadvantage in the current recruiting environment. With employers receiving an average of 50 to 75 resumes per role they post, making your resume stand out can sometimes seem like a moonshot. Making matters worse, your resume generally has less than 10 seconds to make a positive impression and avoid being flushed down the drain.

While a LinkedIn profile is very important, resumes still matter, and some organizations (especially enterprise companies) will want to see a resume in order for you to apply. In this guide, we’ll provide 25 actionable sales resume tips so you can land the sales job you’ve always dreamed about.

Under these dismal conditions, what should a smart sales professional on the lookout for a dream job do?

First, don’t panic. If there’s a science to selling, there’s an art to writing resumes. All you have to do is learn it. Fortunately, career sites, professional coaches, and hiring managers have been sharing their insight on how best to make your resume shine.

Here are 25 sales resume hacks that will compel recruiters to take your application to next level.

1) Go for high impact.

Ideally, resumes should pack a punch. But that is hardly the case in real life. In fact, recruiting managers regularly receive hundreds of generic resumes that look and sound similar, echoing the same cliches, and even sharing the same grammatical errors. Not surprisingly, weak resumes just become fodder for the recycling bin at the end of every recruiting period.

Remember: The three goals of sending a resume are…

1) to signal an Intention.

2) to convey Information.

3) to make an Impact.

So create one that is unique, memorable, personalized for each employer, and clear about the value and benefits you offer. You can’t sell yourself by being generic or timid.

2) Leave a strongly positive impression.

Making an impact is good, but standing out for the wrong reasons is definitely bad. A resume that seeks to differentiate itself through artificial methods (i.e., larger/smaller paper size, loud colors, too much images, arrogant/disrespectful language, radically different content formats, etc.) will likely get the resume owner into a blacklist.

Do this instead: you can still be creative and impactful while adopting best practices, maintaining high standards, and conforming to effective formats. There are many ways to leave a positive impression: crisp language, elegant and readable formatting, relevant but rare sales skills, remarkable sales accomplishments, highly sought after certifications, awards and accolades.

 3) Customize your message for every employer.

Your resume may be about you but it is also very much about the recruiter. Avoid sending a one-size-fits-all resume, especially to employers you really admire and want very much to join.

As a rule of thumb, always think about the specific recruiter or employer you are aiming for when authoring or structuring your resume. Consider one or more of the following —

  1. Mention the specific employer in the Current Career Objective section (if you intend to have one.)
  2. Respond directly to the employer’s job post or ad by highlighting your skills, certifications, training, or qualifications using the style, ordering, or language used by the recruiter.
  3. Research about the services and products of the employer and make the case for how you can sell such offerings.
  4. Showcase the value and benefits the employer gets if they were to hire you.

4) Make it sweet and short.

Your resume is the elevator pitch you use in the job market. Go ahead: Be impactful and make an impression but do both as fast as you can. Go for a single-page resume whenever possible and avoid exceeding two pages. Unless specifically requested by the recruiter, never send multi-page resumes.

5) Always have a summary section.

Provide a quick way for the recruiter to assess your credentials and potential value using a summary section near the beginning of your resume. If you are not using an Objective section, then positioning your career or profile summary just after your Contact Information section is best.

In the summary, showcase unique experiences and accomplishments. Mention the demonstrable benefits the employer can expect to get when they hire you. The summary section should be articulated using elegant and crisp language and should clearly articulate your value proposition.

6) Watch your language.

Avoid trite, formal, legalistic, or jargon-ridden text. Think about recruiters forced to skim through dozens of resumes that sound like a lease agreement or a private policy statement every single day.

Instead, go for a smart and casual business tone using crisp and simple but elegant language. Use power words (contextual terms that resonate with specific types of employers) but refrain from cliches and stale expressions.

Oh, and if you happen to get that interview, watch your body language too!

7) Be readable.

Every aspect of your resume — formatting, sectioning, print quality, fonts, language, etc. — should be optimized for readability. Think of your resume as an app or a website and recruiters as users. User experience (UX) must be optimal for recruiters to even consider reading key sections of your resume. If your resume is haphazardly formatted or uses confusing language, recruiters will be more irritated than impressed.

8) Think strategically.

Depending on your situation, you can use a historical, functional, hybrid, or other types of resumes. For example, consider complementing a standard curriculum vitae with a video resume if you are trying to land a job with a media or advertising company. Use a functional resume if you are entering the workplace fresh from college and you have very little employment history to speak of. Always adopt what is best for your particular situation.

9) Answer common questions recruiter/employer

Anticipate the questions employers ask when looking for top talent. Using your resume, provide quick answers to the most pressing questions they might ask. Here are some you should consider:

  1. What are your most important achievements when it comes to sales?
  2. Have you won any award or accolade?
  3. How did your previous employers benefit from your performance?
  4. What is your average win rate for all the employers and products you worked with (Do not answer if your performance is less than sterling.)
  5. What’s the estimated value in real dollars of the deals you have successfully closed for each employer?
  6. Which sales skills or techniques have you mastered? Show proof.
  7. How do you handle challenging leads or situations.

10) Formatting matters.

Adopt a stylish format but don’t get too creative that recruiters begin to focus more on visuals and optics instead of your core message. Consider the aesthetics of your resume but not to the point that you de-prioritize brevity, readability, or conciseness. Use prominent section headings to help recruiters easily find what they are looking for. Deploy bullet points instead of long paragraphs whenever applicable.

11) Organize your profile into clearly defined sections.

The main sections of a standard resume are —

  1. Contact Information
  2. Profile Summary
  3. Relevant Certifications, Licenses, or Awards
  4. Work Experience (typically arranged in reverse chronological order)
  5. Education

Depending on the situation, your strategy, or the availability of information or support, you can include one or more of the following optional elements:

  1. Personal Brand Tagline (this can be a personal quote or a catchy description that highlights your credentials, favorite technique, or mantra/philosophy as a professional)
  2. Current Career Objective
  3. Achievements (Bulleted items. Use if f there are too many to include in the short summary)
  4. Personal Info (Use only if somewhat relevant to the role or company you are focusing on. If so, you can mention volunteer work, hobbies you are passionate about, or non-work related achievements that enhance your character. Avoid mentioning sensitive issues such as politics and religion).
  5. Character References

12) Provide complete and clean contact information.

Make it easy and convenient for recruiters or employers to get back to you when they need clarifications or when they want to go ahead with a job interview. Give clear, complete, and correct email addresses, phone numbers, and home address. Provide the links to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio site, blog, or other personal/professional websites.

However, do not use or mention email addresses, blogs, or other identifiers that do not help your personal brand. Email addresses such as or blog sites such as Bad Girl’s Revenge hardly exude competence or professionalism.

13) Achievements vs. Responsibilities

Always favor accomplishment over responsibility. Describing your skills, tasks, and functions is ok, but telling a story about how you use those skills or performed those tasks to achieve organizational goals is a lot better. So instead of merely saying that you performed sales ops functions as an analyst, you can say that you created a data-driven strategy that helped sellers improve their win rate by 10%.

14) Don’t include the Stone Age in your Work Experience section.

If you have been in the job market for awhile and have worked for quite a number of employers, focus on your career milestones in the last ten years or so. Recruiters are more interested in your current and more recent employment history than they are about your stint as a part-time librarian when you were in high school. For the same reason, arrange your employment history in reverse chronological order. Use brief descriptions and cite noteworthy achievements whenever applicable.

15) Even an A+ won’t compensate for poor sales metrics.

Highlight your academic achievements if you are new to the workplace. Mention relevant papers or projects you’ve made, as well as honors you have earned as a student. If you’ve been around though, prioritize work experience and accomplishments over education. That means positioning employment history above education in your resume.

16) Certified, trained, and ready to roll.

Recruiters seek candidates who have undergone verifiable training programs or have earned relevant field certifications. Position the Training and Certification section if the role you are applying for strongly requires such qualifications. Some of the most coveted certifications in sales include the Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP), Certified Sales Executive (CSE), and Cornell University’s Executive Leadership Certification.

17) Get personal if it helps your brand.

You can opt to add a Personal Information section in your resume if space permits and if mentioning something beyond your sales career enhances your professional brand. For example, volunteer work for a worthy (non-divisive) cause certainly helps create a picture of social responsibility and commitment to a community. A hobby such as scale modeling may explain how you have developed discipline and a keen attention to detail. On the other hand, your sports life may explain your highly competitive nature.

18) Sales is a numbers game.

Quotas, win rates, and revenue are all expressed as numbers. Your sales performance is measured in metrics. That is why a salesperson’s resume without the right numbers will never make the cut. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to help recruiters assess your potential.

19) Get visual.

If you can fit them in your resume, visual aids such as graphs and charts can add style and clarity to your message. Some resumes look exactly like infographics. However, you should only add visuals if it matches your message and is relevant to the particular employer you are currently engaging.

20) Inaccuracy will destroy you.

The work history, achievements, figures, dates, and other information in your resume should always be accurate. At worst, inadvertent errors will erode your chances of getting selected, specially if you have comparable rivals for the position who have submitted error-free resumes. On the other hand, intentional inaccuracies (i.e., lies) — when caught — can send your name into a database of blacklisted jobseekers. More importantly, you wouldn’t want to be branded as “dishonest” in an industry that already attracts its hefty share of suspicion.

21) ABC means “always be consistent.”

Structurally and content-wise, your resume should demonstrate a high degree of consistency. That means section headings and line spacings should be rendered the same way throughout the document and that entire resume conforms to a recognizable and visually appealing format.

Content-wise, the resume should have a uniform tone and language when articulating your value proposition or when describing your achievements. Furthermore, all information you include in the resume must agree with all the information about you that can be accessed publicly (such as your profile on LinkedIn and other social media sites). Most profile inconsistencies are likely to be minor but a few might erode your authenticity as a sales professional.

22) Review, update, and polish.

Unless you’re close to retiring, resumes are always works in progress that require constant review, updating, and polishing.

Proofread your resume for structural, grammatical, or factual errors. Allow your friends or a professional editor to help you polish your resume. Remember, incorrect grammar and spelling impacts how recruiters view your professionalism, discipline, and attention to detail. Use relevant, crisp, and smart language to show the depth of your understanding and demonstrate your potential as a sales leader.

23) Look at other resume examples

Try to find other resume examples that are relevant to your industry and experience. This can help you zero in on which key words and KPI’s you should include in your own.

24) Go beyond a resume or a LinkedIn profile.

Resumes have traditionally been the primary ticket for navigating the job market. You send a resume to signal that you’re interested in and applying for a job at a particular employer.

There are now many other channels for reaching businesses looking for talent. These include LinkedIn, online portfolio sites, and referral systems. There are even tools that allow you to create infographic and video resumes. These forms are becoming more popular. Lastly, don’t overlook specialist services that provide profile pages for field/sector-specific professionals. Salespeople for example, can create compelling online profiles on Rainmakers.

25) Make your brand worth selling.

You are a brand as much as a seller. If you can sell esoteric products and services few people care about, then you should be able to sell yourself.

As an integral element of your personal sales and marketing kit, your resume plays a crucial role in getting you through the screening door and into the position you are aiming for.

You’re good at selling so practice what you do best: research like crazy about the customer (employer), customize your pitch to establish a strong connection, articulate your value proposition (the benefits the employer gets by hiring you), and clinch the deal.