Know What The Sales Manager is Thinking in Your Next Interview


If you are looking to get a new job in sales, then you need to master the interview. The first impression you make on your potential employer will make all the difference, so it helps to get into the head of your sales manager or hiring manager. Here are the various things they’ll be focused on, so you can prepare your interview and increase your chances of landing your ideal position. 

Can I Trust You?

People want to do business with those they know, like, and trust. This includes who they hire. If your sales manager doesn’t feel they can trust you, then they won’t want you out in the field with real customers.

Don’t hold anything back in your interview. Be honest with them. If you have a troubled past, or certain weaknesses, think of how to present them to the manager while making them seem like they are faults that you can easily overcome. This is better than letting them find something bad out after the fact.

Are You Motivated?

Sales is not easy. If it were, everyone under the sun would be doing it. However, with the right motivation, you can succeed by getting more customers in the door and sales ringing at the register.

This is one of the first things on a sales manager’s mind, too. They want to be sure that you aren’t just talking the talk, but that you are deeply motivated to walk the walk. So ask your sales manager what kind of exciting goals they have and communicate that you are excited to achieve them for the company.

Do You Keep Yourself Organized?

One of the marks of a great salesperson is the ability to keep themselves organized. When you are cluttered, you can’t focus as much. You spend more time finding papers and getting into the zone than with customers. This is a recipe for disaster.

Any sales manager will want to see that you present yourself well, keep yourself in line, and maintain a clean work area. You can communicate this by the way you dress, talk, and act during the interview. Ideally, they will simply pick up on it thanks to the way you carry yourself.

What Kind of Experience Do You Have?

No matter how great of a candidate you are, the more experience you have the better. Sales managers love it when someone who has sold before walks into their door. It means they don’t have to teach you the basics of sales. Instead, they can train you on their specific way of doing things.

Think creatively about your experience in sales. You might not think you have a lot of experience, but in reality you could have more than you think. Anything that involves talking to customers and helping them solve their problems could be characterized as selling, so don’t leave anything off your resume that sounds relevant.

What’s Your Attitude Like?

A great attitude is one of the best things you can have in like. Your sales interviewer is thinking about your attitude the entire time they are with you. They are picking up on signs, small and large, that you are either a positive or a negative person.

Don’t make the mistake of talking about inappropriate things or having a poor attitude in the interview. Read some positive books or blogs before coming into the meeting. It will put you in the right frame of mind and let you radiate a positive attitude.

When it comes to sales today, it is more competitive than ever. You need to have the right strategies if you are going to work for a company you love. Sales managers want to produce more sales for their companies by hiring people who understand what is most important to them. So prepare your interview by reviewing the items above to show them you are on the same page.


-Guest Post by Craig Middleton-

Craig has worked as a Business Consultant, Real Estate Agent, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.