Ways to Track and Present your Personal Sales Brag Book

What Is A Brag Book?

Nutshell.com defines a Brag Book as “a collection of testimonials, case studies, or pictures from satisfied customers. For example, a sales rep can present their brag book to prospects to illustrate their prior successes and how they’ve exceeded their client’s expectations.”

As someone in a sales position at a tech company, you know what your sales manager loves to see out of your key metrics. Those same metrics can be used when applying to future sales positions, and that’s why a brag book is an asset to your continued success.

Your brag book should contain records, key metrics, or verifiable numbers that speak to your skills. Include items like:

  • Three years’ worth of sales figures, ranking reports, and awards
  • Any standout accomplishments like “#1 sales rep” in the company
  • Email examples that speak to your talent for communicating with active and prospective clients
  • Three years’ worth of W-2s and YTD earnings to back up any sales claims you make

The key metrics can be broken into two categories: Quantity and Quality.

Quantity-driven metrics include:

  • Accounts called
  • Leads sources
  • Emails
  • Calls
  • Connects
  • Demos
  • Opportunities

Quality-driven metrics include:

  • Contacts sourced per account
  • Calls per lead
  • Unique leads called
  • Connect Rate
  • Demo to opportunity Conversion
  • Calls per opportunity
  • Connects per opportunity
brag book example

How do you track those, where do you store them, and how do you present them to future hiring managers to ensure you get the job you deserve?

We have found some tools to help you track, store, and share your metrics accurately and somewhat variable way with future hiring managers as you advance your career.

Call Activity Scorecard

This call activity scorecard helps you set goals and track the number of calls you make each quarter, and how many conversions, opportunities created, and wins result from those calls.

Call Activity Scorecard

Weekly Email Tracker

This easy weekly email tracker helps you track the number of emails, unique people emailed, how many new prospects are being contacted, the number of deals closed due to emails, etc.

Weekly Email Tracker

Sales Activity Worksheet

This sales activity worksheet assists in tracking metrics like the number of hours worked per week, your weekly/monthly/quarterly goals, leads generated, the size of details, and contracts signed.

Sales Activity Worksheet


Rekener is a sales rep scorecard software provider that helps track leads, quotas, opportunity stages, and KPI trends.



Recording your metrics is an important habit that will pay off when it’s time to look for new sales opportunities. For example, when you sign up for an account on a job site like Rainmakers.co, your numbers and sales figures are displayed on your profile for companies looking to hire proven salespeople.

make a brag book