Taking Advantage of Job Platforms

Job platforms

In our previous article, we went into detail about the benefits of working with a hiring agency.  But if you still don’t want to go the agency route just yet, there are many other options available to you. Many websites how job boards that encourage employees and employers to connect and work together. 

Before you start signing up for every job site out there, apply the lessons we discussed in previous articles. Consider your online profile as a resume. From top to bottom you need to make sure that everything is neat, up to date, and edited accurately.

Most sites have no submission limit. In theory, you could easily spam your resume to as many employers as possible. This would be the exact wrong way to go about the process. Make sure you read, in detail, every post before you respond. Always write a unique cover letter for each application.

Monster / Indeed

Websites like Monster and Indeed have helped a lot of people land jobs. However, the jobs available on these sites are most likely low quality except for junior positions. For those just graduating college, or taking their first steps in a new industry, these resources are great.

For the more ambitious job hunters though, these options may be a bit lackluster. What an agency provides is a position that is finely tailored to your skills and goals. The types of jobs you get from Monster and Indeed will be jobs that require some kind of repetitive and non-creative skills. However, that may be what you need at this point in your career.


LinkedIn is a very powerful resource in the job market. The site provides you with direct access to the people you want to talk to. Let’s say you want to work for Uber. The head of hiring at Uber definitely has a LinkedIn profile. She may be busy but at least Uber grants you that direct connection for you to make an attempt to impress her with your resume.

LinkedIn is best for a targeted approach. The previous lesson is all about how to perfect your presence on this site and we can’t hammer it enough how important that is. Hitting a potential at the right time with the right profile can land you a job you may have thought was out of your league. But this requires a lot of time and effort. And just because a company looks good on the outside, doesn’t mean the culture on the inside is profitable and has room for growth. This is why having an agency may be better suited than the LinkedIn route.


With Rainmakers.co we provide our employers with a ton of opportunities. Because we are focused on a particular niche, we are able to develop a skillset that caters to potential employers perfectly. We understand how companies in this field grow and what they need. We succeed here because we work closely with our clients so we can understand their needs and skill set.

Remember, just because you may not have a ton of experience does not mean you are not qualified for the job. One of the best things you can offer to an employer is a positive mindset. We are always looking for motivated people who are ready to put in the work to learn sales. 

If you sign on with us, companies will approach you because they know we only deal with serious and motivated clients.  We will be there every step of the way to make that the job you end up accepting is the one that matches you the best. What makes us different is how important it is for us to match the right job for the right client, and that’s exactly what we’ll do for you.


Online job marketplaces liked LinkedIn and Monster are great for beginners. You can find a lot of applications to apply for and will most likely land an entry-level position. Rainmakers is a more personal service that actually helps connect you with employers based on your unique skills and experience. This kind of attention during the application process is non existent in the other more mainstream job marketplaces.